Instead of a lawn…
On the patio, in the areas lit by sunshine, traditional lawns have been replaced by a flower meadow full of colourful flowering annuals, perennials and grasses. With the meadow, the courtyard is home to many useful animals and it is a paradise for pollinators. Up to 300 species of small mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects find shelter in the meadow.
Replacing the lawn with a flower meadow saves water and energy and reduces emissions. This is because a meadow does not need regular mowing, fertilising or watering. It promotes rainwater retention and is drought-tolerant. The plants in the meadow have root systems up to 25 times deeper than those of a lawn, which allows them to better absorb water. In shady areas, instead of a lawn, we have planted ground cover plants which tolerate shade much better than a lawn and are almost trouble-free to maintain. The dense carpet of ground cover plants provides natural protection for the soil from drying out. The plants are nice to the eye: the periwinkle used in the project is not only evergreen but in spring it is covered with a profusion of flowers, creating a blue and violet carpet.