Green dune
This park used to be a paved car park. Now all the parking spaces are on underground levels, and 50 trees have been planted in special pots on 50 columns in the foundation slab. To achieve a cohesive and people-friendly environment, the trees are interspersed on a rising and falling terrain covered with low vegetation.
The hills are built of lightweight materials so as not to disrupt the underground structure. This creates a green dune overgrown with 12 species of trees and 96 types of shrubs. They represent native greenery important for sustainable projects. It includes ornamental fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, rowan, and compact varieties of well-known tree species, e.g., maple, small-leaved lime, hornbeam. They are characterised by spectacular autumn foliage colours, while some varieties have maroon foliage in spring or throughout the season into autumn.